Byrd's Nest Blog #3: Why people don't like Video Games.

Posted by Byrdie On Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1 comments

Now if your reading this blog you most likely love video games. You play them almost everyday and read magizines and articles about video games. You are most likely perplexed as to why people don't like video games. It shocks you. It shocks me too. So I did some investigating and I've narrowed down 5 reasons why people don't like Video games and then quickly debunked each reason.

5. Hot Coffee (A.K.A Sex(Sex?))

In 2004 a Dutch modder discovered a hidden minigame in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which allowed the player to have sex with the players girlfriend in numerous sexual positions. The minigame caused a firestorm of controversey which included the notorious attorney Jack Thompson (shocker) and even then-Senator Hilary Clinton. This mini-game controversey has put a negative spotlight on the industry that games are sex simulators for kids (even though San Andreas was an M game NOT INTENDED FOR KIDS!) and are desensitizing America's youth (when have you heard that before?). The fact is barely any mainstream video games in their entire history have had nudity and never except for Hot Coffee has sex ever been simulated and in the players controls during a game. This is a simple misunderstanding of Video games.

4. Video games are stupid children's entertainment

Like Comic books, video games are seen as children's entertainment not to be taken seriously. So when people play games they are considered trashy and child like. The truth is that gaming's fastest growing demographics are adults. A majority of the triple-AAA titles released are M-Rated so this is just a stupid and short-sighted arguement.

3. Jack Thompson

If all gamers had a nightmare- that nightmare would be Jack Thompson. The Florida attorney single handedly placed in the minds of American parents that games like Doom, Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Kombat would turn their children into axe murdering psychopaths who did drugs, murdered their classmates and would become devil worshipers.And the funny thing is, people believed him. Time will tell but it looks like Jack Thompson may have put full video game acceptance in pop culture back by a decade.

2. Video games have no depth.

On the surface when people look at video games they see simply killing simulators for no purpose. Any gamer will tell you this isn't true. Whether it is the tragically epic story of Red Dead Redemption or the mature philisophical adventure of BioShock games are mature pieces of art which use their interactiveness to distiguish themselves from other art mediums and saying that they don't have depth is simple ignorance of the medium.

1. Violence

This is the biggie. Video games have always been known for violent games. Counterstrike, Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Manhunt the list goes on. But so what. Movies have been violent for nearly a hundred years and their an accepted form of entertainment. Their are two reasone why this is a reason. One the interativeness makes it seem like video games are turning America's kids into murderers (Jack Thompson). However there is NO PROOF that video games are involved in anyway in school shootings or murders of any kind. Second it's the newest medium on the block so it's instantly made fun of and looked down upon.

In conclusion you can expect all these problems to go away in 10-20 years. A new generation is coming. A generation raised on popular next-gen titles and this generation, I predict will be the one to bring gaming (good gaming) into the mainstream.

Written by Matthew Byrd: Gamertag: ColonelByrd95


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